The Night Owls'


Thank you for taking the time to read our Code of Conduct.

This topic is important and your interest demonstrates your personal responsibility and commitment in creating, contributing and maintaining a community that is safe and inclusive for everyone. 


Please feel empowered to let your partner know where your boundaries are on the social floor and which types of embrace or connection you are comfortable with. There are so many ways to enjoy and dance to Blues and Swing music. However please don’t offer unsolicited dance advice in class or on the social floor.

Our dance floors are often crowded and please be aware of each other, practice floorcraft (how we respect other dancers on the floor) and apologise if accidents happen.

Please don’t make assumptions about whether someone would like to lead or follow, or dance at all! Always ask and be respectful if someone says no, please be gracious about their response.


We acknowledge and honour the African American communities that created Blues and Swing music and dance. On the background of slavery and oppression, these art forms represent a triumph of human spirit, courage, creativity and resilience.

It’s with great humility that we take this opportunity to participate as guests in this living culture and will always endeavour to learn more about the artists and communities that created the Blues and Jazz.


Everyone coming to a Night Owls event has the right to feel welcome and respected while they dance, learn and socialise.

We want this to be a place of joy, connection and understanding. Any form of verbal or physical harassment will not be tolerated and the organisers reserve the right to ask any person displaying disrespectful behaviour to leave.

Please be grateful and kind to the volunteers, musicians, DJs and organisers. If you see someone needing help, reach out and lend them a hand and if you can, please ask a new dancer to dance.


We know that we won’t always get everything right and still have so much to learn.

If you see something at one of our events that you think is not in keeping with our values, please come and speak to us.

We welcome feedback and promise to listen with open hearts to try and create the best events we can.